Monday, April 22, 2013

10 Earth Day Activities To Celebrate Our Planet.

In a perfect world everyday would be Earth Day, but our lives compete for our attention and sometimes we just can't be as green as we'd like to be. Thus being the busy bodies we are, we have scheduled in an annual Earth Day to ensure the planet is not forgotten in our eagerness to live. Hello little blue dot - today we're thinking of you.

Here are 10 activities you can do to celebrate Earth Day:

Get all old school and make a paper-maché globe. Who doesn't love getting all gluey? It also doubles as a geography lesson for the kids (or yourself if you've forgotten).

Grab a handful of almonds to chew on while you watch Planet Earth, narrated by the brilliant David Attenborough. I just watched the episode Pole to Pole the other day, and boy am I ever glad I wasn't born a penguin; they sure got it rough.


via. Tindale Photography
Wander down to your local park and have a leaf fight. Not only will you get some fresh air, it also lends itself to magical photographic opportunities.

original via.
Whip up some Earth Day cookies. Check out how to ice them over at the Tidy Mum blog. What a tasty treat.

Use Earth Day as an excuse to have a candlelit dinner - saving electricity is just a bonus. Why not top it off by having good old fashion fun with a few board games.

Drool over these incredibly beautiful places you won't believe actually exist in the world.

Get into raw foods for the day - you'll feel closer to nature and better for it. I think this Ginger and Lemon cure all cake by Love Raw looks worth the time, don't you? More on raw foodism here.

Give back to the earth by planting something. You must also check out the beautiful Fox in the Pine blog for tips on using eggshells in your garden (I think it's my new favourite!)

Set yourself the challenge of going rubbish free for the day or if you're feeling brave, the whole week. Let this Christchurch couple inspire you. They did a whole year living rubbish free, and their website offers lots of advice on minimising your waste. Watching Wall-E is always motivating too.

via gobayode photography.
If you are feeling really ambitious (and don't have to go to work), let out your inner hippy by spending the whole day at one with nature. That means no electricity, no car, and probably sleeping out under the stars. 

Do you have any plans for Earth Day? If all else fails, you could aways watch Captain Planet reruns. I always did have a little thing for Kwame.


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